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Cranford book cover


《克兰福德》是英国作家伊丽莎白·盖斯凯尔的一部情景小说。它第一次发表在《Household Words》杂志上,之后经过少量修改以一本书的形式在1853出版,书名为《克兰福德》。这部作品慢慢流行起来并从20世纪初开始,多次经改编出现在舞台、广播和电视上。


It’s an opportunity to reflect on all that we, together, have learned and achieved since Trinity College was transformed into Duke University. And it’s an opportunity to look ahead to the great promise of this university’s second century, to your great promise as a generation called to lead the way in an uncertain world.

Cynt Marshall在加州大学伯克利分校2024年毕业典礼上的演讲

So you’re at center court and it’s time for tip-off. The game is about to begin. 1. Always keep good teammates. 2. Give of your time, talent and treasure. 3. Know your crystal balls from your rubber balls. 4. Do the right thing. 5. Rebound with grace; and 6. Conduct yourself like a GROWN-up — grateful, ready, open, willing and nice.

BBC地道英语 – Bow and scrape

“Bow and scrape” 用来表示某人过于礼貌或对他人表现出过分的关注或尊重。它常用来描述某个人在与重要人士交往时,“点头哈腰,过分谦恭” 的举动。

BBC地道英语 – Put your thinking cap on

如果你 “put your thinking cap on(戴上你的思考帽子)”,那么你就在 “认真思考某件事情”。在遇到一个需要通过深思熟虑去解决的难题时,就可以使用这个表达。

Theresa Pierno在玛丽维尔学院2024毕业典礼上的演讲

When you leave the safety of this campus, this faculty, this community, keep hoping, keep dreaming, keep striving, keep giving, keep failing, and keep fighting. The future of this small world rests on your shoulders. Just as it rested on mine, and on my parents’, and their parents’.

BBC地道英语 – Mind your manners

成年人通常用表达 “mind your manners” 告诉孩子们不要做出粗鲁无礼的行为。“Mind your manners” 也可以用来羞辱成年人,从而提醒这个人要举止端正,注意礼貌。
复数名词 “manners” 在这里的意思是 “礼貌,礼仪”。


《费迪南德伯爵历险记》是托比亚斯·斯摩莱特(Tobias Smollett)于1753年首次出版的小说。中心人物是一个邪恶的花花公子,他在欧洲和英格兰游荡,以欺骗、诈骗和调情的方式生活,对法律或他人的福祉几乎毫不关心。

Bone up

BBC地道英语 – Bone up

“Bone up on something”,意思就是 “你深入研究一个话题,尽可能多地了解它”。人们可能会在考试或求职面试前 “bone up on something”。这是一个非正式短语。

The future looks bright

BBC地道英语 – The future looks bright

人们常用表达 “the future looks bright” 来表示 “对未来将要发生的事情持乐观的态度”。你也可以用 “one’s future looks bright” 来表示 “某人将在未来的职业生涯中取得成功”。

Middlemarch book cover



Go the extra mile

BBC地道英语 – Go the extra mile

“Go the extra mile(多走一英里)” 是一个非常实用的短语。它用来表达某人为了获得成功,付出额外的努力,而且他们付出的努力往往超出他人的期望。

Bollinger at Columbia University commencement ceremony 2023

哥伦比亚大学校长Lee C. Bollinger 2023年毕业典礼演讲

This has given me a mine of precious materials from which to draw, from the national to the quotidian. I love each, and I love them all together. I still do not understand all I need to, but as they intersect, I understand each better. I hope and expect you will find the same is true in your lives.
